Evelyn Channell » Posts


Chapter 3 - Ecology - Key Notes Test November 20

Chapter 3 - Ecology - Key Notes
The hierarchy of an eco system are organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biome.
The living and nonliving things in an area make up an ecosystem. An ecosystem is an area in which living things (biotic) interact with one another and with nonliving (abiotic) things. Parts of an ecosystem include things such as organisms, populations, communities, soil, air, water, and sunlight.
All organisms of the same kind that live in a particular area make up a population
All populations that live together in the same place make up a community.
A biome is a region of the world with a particular climate and similar types of plants and animals. Examples of biomes are forests, deserts, grasslands, rivers, tundra, rainforest, and coral reefs.
The various living things in an ecosystem, such as plants, animals, and bacteria are known as biotic factors.
The nonliving parts of an ecosystem such as water, minerals, sunlight, air, and soil are abiotic factors.
Plant cells require nutrients in the form of minerals that come from the soil. Soil is an abiotic factor that can influence plant survival. Another abiotic factor that affects plants is the climate. An example would be the mangrove forest that requires a tropical climate in order to survive.
Symbiosis is a relationship between two kinds of organisms that lasts over time. One of the best known examples of this is the exchange between plants and their pollinators the bee.
Two factors that affect the survival of an aquatic organism are water quality and sunlight.
Sunlight impacts not only aquatic organisms, but all plant life. A good example of this would be the trees in the forest. Trees in a forest are different heights because some trees need less sunlight than others.
Sunlight is able to penetrate the top several meters of marine water, where most plant and animal life exist. This in an example of how solar energy interacts with the ocean system.
Producers form the base of all ecosystems. Producers are organisms that can make their own food through photosynthesis.
If there is a drought in an ecosystem, the competition for food among primary consumers increase.
Decomposers are organisms that obtain their food from dead organisms. Examples of decomposers would be bacteria and fungi.
An example of people affecting animal habitats would be the development of housing subdivisions that would destroy the habitats of animals.
Rain is an abiotic factor that affects plant life. An example of this would be that there are more plants in a forest than in a desert because there is more rain in a forest. Another good example of how rain affects tree growth is shown in the tree-growth rings. The ring is smaller during years where there is little rain.
A food chain is the series of steps by which energy is obtained, used, and transformed by living things. Food chains always begin with a producer.
A food web is a diagram showing which animals eat which other animals in a given ecological community.
An energy pyramid shows the energy that is lost at each level of the food chain. Producers are at the bottom of the energy pyramid and they provide the greatest amount of energy.
Herbivores eat only plants. Rabbits and mice are examples of herbivores.
Carnivores are meat eaters. A lion is an example of a carnivore.
Omnivores eat both plants and animals. Bears and Humans are examples of omnivores.
Scavengers are animals that feed on the bodies of dead organisms. A buzzard is an example of a scavenger.
Adaptation is any trait that an organism has that increases the chance of it surviving and reproducing. A chameleon using camouflage is an example of adaptation.
Limiting factors are any biotic or abiotic factor part of an ecosystem that controls the size of a population. Competition for food is an example of a limiting factor. If animals are not able to find enough food to eat, the population is likely to decrease in size.
Competition is an interaction between organism in which both organisms need the same thing. An example of this would be the Toucan and the Sloth of the rain forest in which both compete for fruit.
Parasitism is when one organism benefits from a relationship at the example of the other. Examples would include tape worms and fleas.
Forest fires are a natural and necessary part of the ecosystem. Even healthy forests contain dead trees and decaying plant matter. When a fires turns them to ashes, nutrients return to the soil instead of remaining captive in old vegetation.
Flooding increases exposure of humans to water borne diseases such as typhoid fever and hepatitis. It also increases animal borne (vector) diseases such as malaria and West Nile Fever.
Severe weather such as an unusually harsh winter in the South can impact some species, such as the deer, by limiting food supply which results in a reduction of herd size.

November Vocabulary Test November 19

November 2020 Vocabulary
Appalachian Mountains – a 1,600 mile range of mountains that extend from Newfoundland, Canada to the state of Alabama in the United States.

Death Valley – located at the western edge of California, it is the hottest point in North America.

Rocky Mountains – a range of mountains that extends about 3,000 miles from Alaska to New Mexico.

The Continental Divide – the line of highest points in the Rocky Mountains that mark the separation between rivers flowing eastward and westward.

The Great Lakes – group of 5 lakes – Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior – located on the Canada and United States border.

Canadian Shied – rocky, mainly flat area that covers nearly 2 million miles that stretches north from the Great Lakes to the Arctic Ocean, covering over half of Canada.

Everglades – a huge swampland in Southern Florida that covers nearly 4,000 square miles

Nomads – people who move from place to place.

Beringia – a land bridge that once connected Siberia and Alaska.

Locks – sections of a waterway with closed gates where water levels are raised or lowered.

Migration – movement of people or animals from one area to another.

Frontier – free, open land that is available and suitable for settlement.

Representative democracy – where the people rule through elected representatives.

Suburbs – communities outside of a city.

Columbian Exchange – the exchange of people, goods, and ideas between Europe, Asia, and Africa with America.

Louisiana Purchase – the purchase of vast plains region located between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains from France.

Megalopolis – a region in which several large cities and surrounding areas grow together.

Metropolitan area – large cities and nearby suburbs and towns.

Free enterprise – an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control.

Multinational – a large and powerful company that produces and sells goods in many different countries.

Specialized Cells Key Notes

These are the notes for our next test.  All Students should copy these into their notebooks and study this week and next week.
Specialized Cells Key Notes:
All living things must contain cells to be classified as an organism.
Animal cells and Plant cells need energy, can reproduce, and excrete waste.
An amoeba is a type of cell or unicellular organism which has the ability to alter its shape,
primarily by extending and retracting pseudopods
Paramecium are unicellular ciliates, and are widespread in freshwater, brackish, and marine
environments and are often very abundant in stagnant basins and ponds.
Euglena are single-celled flagellated (i.e., having a whiplike appendage) microorganisms that
feature both plant and animal characteristics.
Viruses do not reproduce, rather they replicate. Viruses ARE NOT considered to be living
Viruses may be spread through contact or through the air, depending on the particular virus.
Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment.
There are more bacteria in the world than all other living things combined.
Grass, Phytoplankton, and cyanobacteria are examples of autotrophs.
The paramecium uses its cilia for movement and to help obtain food. The cilia sweeps the food
into the oral groove of the paramecium.
Amoebas use Pseudopods for movement.
A euglena has a flagellum and a paramecium has cilia for movement.
Microorganisms help to break down waste, help release nutrients into the soil, and are used to
help make antibiotics.
Antibiotics are made from bacteria and are used to kill bacteria.
Both euglenas and volvox are classified as plant-like protists. The cell wall found in plant cells
is also found in volvox cells but not in euglena cells.
Infectious diseases include tuberculosis, influenza, diphtheria, and meningitis.
Some bacteria are good for you. Examples would be the bacteria found in cheese, yogurt, and
sour cream.
Yeast is a fungi that can be both harmful and beneficial. It is beneficial in making bread rise but
it harmful as a parasite in athlete’s foot.
Archaea is a bacterium that is found to live in only the harshest of environments.
Prokaryote cells DO NOT have a nucleus. Eukaryote cell contain a nucleus.
An epidemic is the rapid spread of disease to a large number of people in a given population
within a short period of time.
A pandemic is an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple
continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.
The ease of travel has increased the spread of diseases across countries and around the world.
Yeasts are eukaryotic, single-celled microorganisms classified as members of the fungus kingdom.

Lipsey Middle School

Science/Social Studies Oct. 9, 2020
Class DOJO
School Email

Details: Computer Information and Assignments
1. Canvas
Student Canvas accounts are now active for all school
first 3 letters of first name
first three letters of last name
lunch number
Bsd 6 digit date of birth
a. Students can sign into Canvas and following the weekly assignments for Science and Social and Math
c. Chapter Test and Vocabulary Test are taken at Lipsey Middle School
2. Students can study Social Studies Vocabulary on Quizlet.com at gretchen5960
a. https://quizlet.com/gretchen5960
3. Readworks.org Students need to work on their assignments for Science and Social Studies.
4. Epic Books Students should have their class code from their assigned teacher.
Thornton’s class check your mailbox for the assigned reading assignment for the week.
5. Please go to Lipsey Middle School website and look under Staff for your assigned teacher
(Thornton, Channell, Wesley)
6. Khan Academy- Students should have their username and password, if Canvas is working
students will be able to use Khan Academy through Canvas in the assigned assignments during each
7. All At Home Learners must log into iReady through the school’s website, and do a minimum of 1
hour per week in Math and 1 hour per week in Language.
Weekly Classwork Assignments for Science and Social Studies October 5- October 9
1. Khan Academy: Circulatory System https://youtu.be/SPGRkexI_cs
2. Khan Academy: Skeletal System https://youtu.be/97FwcpMIUuY
3. Study your Chapter 2 Key Notes. ● At Home Learners Test will be October 15th on Chapter 2
. You must come to the school during your
scheduled time: Thornton-8:30am-10:30am
4. Draw and label Skeletal System in notebook
5. Read Works: “ Your Skin Unmasked” and “Bones On The Go”
a. Copy Chapter 2 Key Facts in your notebook
Social Studies
1. Learn about the census: https://www.census.gov/popclock/

2. September Vocabulary Test Thursday October 8,2020 and Science Chapter 1 Test.

3. Readworks: Age of Exploration

4. Industrial Revolution https://youtu.be/nl_-6WPQ4Sg
Change settings from 3 teams to no teams and play the game.

6. Epic Books- Ms. Channell’s class has assigned stories on the different Systems of the body and reading maps in Epic Books. Epic is available free during 7am-4pm during school hours. After-school, parents would need to set-up an email and password and this will allow the student 2 hours free each week.
7.Read Theory: Students are to complete at least one article for Ms. Channell’s class each week.  Growth will be tracked weekly
8.  KHAN ACADEMY MATH - Continue working on Ratio's and Begin working on Dividing fractions.  Be sure to redo work until you have at least a 70 on ALL practices and Quizzes.

October Vocabulary

October 2020 Vocabulary
Culture – the total of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared by and passed on by the members of a specific group.
Ethnic group – a specific group that shares a language, customs, and a common language.
Society – a group that shares a geographic region, a sense of identity, and a culture.
Diffusion – the spread of ideas, inventions, or patterns of behavior.
Innovation – taking existing technology and resources and creating something new to meet a need.
Acculturation – when a society changes because it accepts or adopts an innovation.
Dialect – versions of a language.
Religion – a belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe.
Birth rate – the number of live births per thousand population
Mortality rate – the number of deaths per thousand people.
Population pyramid – a graphic device that shows sex and age distribution of a population.
Carrying Capacity – the number of organisms a piece of land can support
Democracy – citizens hold political power, either directly or through elected representatives.
Monarchy – a ruling family headed by a king or queen holds political power and may or may not share the power with the citizens.
Dictatorship – an individual or group holds complete political power.
Communism – nearly all political power and means of production are held by the government in the name of all the people.
State – an independent unit that occupies a specific territory and has full control of its internal and external affairs.
Nation – a group of people with a common culture living in a territory and having a strong sense of unity.
Urbanization – the dramatic rise in the number of cities and the changes in lifestyle that result.
Suburb – political units touching the borders of a central city.

September Vocabulary Test This Week

September 2020 Vocabulary
Atmosphere – the layer of gases surrounding the earth.
Lithosphere – the solid rock portion of the earth’s surface
Hydrosphere – the water elements of the earth, which includes oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes.
Biosphere – the part of the earth where plants and animals live
Ocean – an interconnected body of salt water that covers about 71 percent of our planet.
Continents – land masses above water on earth
Core – the center of the earth and is made up of iron and nickel.
Mantle – layer surrounding the core of the earth
Magma – molten rock below the earth’s crust
Crust – the thin layer of rock at the earth’s surface
Hydrologic cycle – the continuous circulation of water between the atmosphere, the oceans, and earth.
Continental Shelf – the earth’s surface from the edge of the continent to the deep part of the ocean.
Glacier – a large ice mass that moves slowly down a mountain or over land.
Steppe – a wide, treeless grassy plain
Tectonic plates – enormous moving pieces of the earth’s lithosphere
Fault – a fracture in the earth’s crust
Seismograph – a special device that measures the size of waves created by an earthquake
Tsunami- a giant wave in the ocean created by an earthquake
Ring of Fire – a zone around the rim of the Pacific Ocean that is the location of a majority of active volcanoes.
Weathering – the physical and chemical processes that change the characteristics of rock on or near the earth’s surface.

Lipsey Middle School Sept 28- Oct. 2 Science and Social Studies

Be sure to Log into Canvas Daily for attendance and assignments.
Be sure to Log into I-Ready through the district website and spend 1 hour in math and 1 hour in Language each week.
Be sure to Log into Khan Academy and complete the section assigned each day for Math.   All items with a star beside it will be counted as a grade.
Be sure to Log into Read Works and complete the 3 articles assigned for this week - they count as daily grades in Science and Social Studies.
Be sure to Log into Epic Books and read the two short books assigned - They count as daily grades in Science and Social Studies.  
Be sure to complete at least 1 article on Read Theory each week.  You also need one for Mrs. Ritchie - which means you have 2 articles each week.
YOU MUST COME TO THE SCHOOL THURSDAY TO TAKE YOUR TESTS for the Chapter 1 Science Test and your September Vocabulary.


Please be sure to log into Canvas each day and have your attendance taken.  There will be instructional video's with assignments on Canvas AND video's with assignments in Khan Academy. 
Your Lesson 1 Quiz in Math will be taken at school.  It is a short 6 question test on Basic Ratios.

Instructional Videos for Sept. 28-Oct. 2 Science and Social Studies

Weekly Classwork Assignments for Science and Social Studies September 28- October 2

Khan Academy: Cell Division

Khan Academy: Cell Signaling

Study your Chapter 1 Key Notes.
At Home Learners Test will be October 1st. You must come to the school during your scheduled time: Thornton-8:30am-10:30am

Draw and label Digestive System in notebook
Read Works: “ Rise Up” and “Focus:What’s Inside”
Copy Chapter 2 Key Facts in your notebook
Social Studies

Substistence and Commercial Farming
Write September Vocabulary in notebook

Africa’s Economic Development

Epic Assignment: Counting Continents

6 Branches of Economic Government
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Economic

Epic Books- great social studies stories can be found on this website. Ms. Thornton’s, Ms. Wesley’s has assigned "Atlas and Globe Skills". Ms. Channell’s class has assigned story "Counting Continents" and "Compasses and Cardinal Directions. Epic Books is available free during 7am-4pm during school hours. After-school, parents would need to set-up an email and password and this will allow the student 2 hours free each week.
Read Theory: Students are to complete at least one article for my class each week. Growth will be tracked weekly.

September 21-25 Lesson Plans

Lipsey Middle School




                 Teacher                   Subject                       Due Date                         Contact info





Science/Social Studies

Sept. 25, 2020

Class DOJO


School Email


Details:  Computer Information and Assignments


  1. Canvas

Student Canvas accounts are now active for all school



first 3 letters of first name

first three letters of last name

lunch number




Bsd 6 digit date of birth





  1. Students can sign into Canvas and following the weekly assignments for Science and Social Studies.
  3. All Chapter Tests and Vocabulary Tests are taken at Lipsey Middle School



  1. Students can study Social Studies Vocabulary on Quizlet.com at gretchen5960
    1. https://quizlet.com/gretchen5960



  1. Students can study Social Studies Vocabulary on Quizziz.com.



  1. Readworks.org Students need to work on their assignments for Science and Social Studies.




  1. Epic Books Students should have their class code from their assigned teacher.                                        Thornton’s class check your mailbox for the assigned reading assignment for the week.   



  1. Please go to Lipsey Middle School website and look under Staff for your assigned teacher (Thornton, Channell, Wesley)


  1. Khan Academy- Students should have their username and password, if Canvas is working students will be able to use Khan Academy through Canvas in the assigned assignments during each week.






Weekly Classwork Assignments for Science and Social Studies September 21-25




  1. Khan Academy: Photosynthesis
    1. https://youtu.be/-rsYk4eCKnA


  1. Study your Chapter Key Notes
  2. Draw and label Photosynthesis Diagram in notebook
  3. Read Works: “ What’s the Big Idea About Genetics” and “Life Finds A Way”
  4. Home-Learners – Chapter 1 Science Test Dates (at Lipsey Middle School)
    1. Will be set up with the school department soon, be prepared!!


Social Studies


  1. Home-Learners – August and September Voc. Test Dates (at Lipsey Middle School)
    1. Will be set up with the school department soon, be prepared!!


  1. Earth’s Continents
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=7krh3JEbgeo&feature=emb_title


  1. Write September Vocabulary in notebook
  2. Regions on Earth
    1. https://worldgeography.pressbooks.com/chapter/1-2/


  1. Oceans
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WZsxVDTqcU&feature=emb_title



  1. Epic Books- great social studies stories can be found on this website. Students are to read and complete quiz for “Maps are Flat” and “Atlas and Globe Skills”. Epic Books is available free during 7am-4pm during school  After-school, parents would need to set-up an email and password and this will allow the student 2 hours free each week.


  1. Read Theory: Students are to complete at least one article for Ms. Channell each week and one for Mrs. Ritchie each week.  Growth will be tracked weekly.
















Lessons Week of 9/14-9/18

Lipsey Middle School



Teacher                   Subject                      Due Date                  Contact 


Science/Social Studies

Sept. 18, 2020

Class DOJO

School Email


Details:  Computer Information and Assignments

I. Canvas

Student Canvas accounts are now active for all school


first 3 letters of first name

first three letters of last name

lunch number



Bsd 6 digit date of birth


Students can sign into Canvas and follow the weekly assignments for Science and Social Studies.
II. Chapter Test and Vocabulary Test are taken at Lipsey Middle School in the next few weeks.  Principal will put out the information regarding date and time.


III. Students can study Social Studies Vocabulary on Quizlet.com at gretchen5960


IV. Students can study Social Studies Vocabulary on Quizziz.com.



V. Readworks.org.  Students need to work on their assignments for Science and Social Studies.


VI. Epic Books Students should have their class code from their assigned teacher.                               


VII. Khan Academy- Students should have their username and password, if Canvas is working students will be able to use Khan Academy through Canvas in the assigned assignments during each week.
VIII. Read Theory - Students should sign into Read Theory and complete at least 1 article with a passing grade each week.




Weekly Classwork Assignments for Science and Social Studies September 14-18



1. Khan Academy - Be sure to log into Khan Academy and complete the assignment: Cellular Respiration.
2.  Study Your Chapter 1 Key Notes
3. Visit the website and read the article. Be sure to take notes( in your notebook) on what you read and be able to discuss the difference.


4. Read Works: “ Energetic Emily” (Daily Grade) and “Human Microbiome (this will be bonus point assignment)”
5.  Be sure to log into Read Theory and complete at least one article with a passing grade.  



Social Studies

 1. Home-Learners – August and September Vocabulary  Test Dates(at Lipsey Middle School) will be posted by the Principal.

   2. Physical Features of Earth


3. Geographic Characteristics
4. Read over the Geographic Characteristics Handout from last week.
5. Read Works “What’s The Big Idea About Earth” and “Slow and Steady”, please check your assigned assignments.
6. Learn about the Four Spheres, students please take notes in your notebook.



7. Khan Academy:


8. Epic Books- great social studies stories can be found on this website. Students have been assigned books.  Students need to read one of the assigned books each week.


9. Read Theory: Students are to complete at least one article each week.  Growth will be tracked weekly.


September 8-11 Lesson

Lipsey Middle School




Science/Social Studies




Details:     Important Computer Instructions Below:

  1. Students can study Social Studies Vocabulary on Quizziz.com. 




  1. Readworks.org Students read and complete articles:  “Human Microbiome” and Energetic Emily” for Science and “Water, Water Everywhere” for Social Studies
  2. Khan Academy- username and password – Students already have usernames and passwords.  Students are to LOG IN and put “Membrane Transport” in the search bar for Science and “World History Beginnings to 600 BCE”.  Video and lessons  will come up.

Weekly Classwork Assignment for Science and Social Studies September 8-11


  1. Watch and review the parts and functions of the animal and plant cells in the video
    1. Be able to know how animal and plant cells are different


  1. View the Cell Power point


  1. Engineering Process: Review the Steps of the Process Review the link
    1. Write the steps in your notebook (Science)


  1. Review Cell is Like a City (Dual Learning with Science and Social Studies)


  1. Highlight and review the Animal and Plant Cell Terms (Terms in Paper Form for school pickup)
    1. Be able to know how the animal and plant cells are different Hint!!! Plant Cells have Cell Walls and Animal Cells do not!
  2. Cell Theory Rap- read and review
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFvI9zc19yc

Social Studies

  1. Read about the Five Themes of Geography Power Point and Take Notes:


  1. Listen to the link below and learn more about the topic
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY-Ve9I0NJc
  2. Sign into Readworks.org and read Water, Water, Everywhere and answer the question
  3. Click on the link below and learn about Maps
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4GMno9p4g4
  4. Maps Skills PowerPoint
  5. Remembering 9/11
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlzgBMCypCI
  6. Sign in to EPIC Books and Read Earth Myth Busted and Using Digital Map